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Jupiter Memorial Day Patriot Weekend + Boat Parade

Writer's picture: Boaters For TrumpBoaters For Trump

Updated: Jun 2, 2021

Did the Memorial Day Patriot Weekend come up short?

Certainly not on spirit, enthusiasm, or focus of mission! After a weekend of Patriotic events in the Palm Beach County area, on what is typically one of the busiest holidays especially for the boating community, the feedback I'm getting is that people expected more and were a little baffled by the less than anticipated attendance - (in comparison to past Mega MAGA events)


I've attended and participated in the all of the Jupiter to West Palm Beach Boat Parade events and I have to admit that I wasn't dispointed but a little surprised by the smaller attendance for this Boat Parade... number of boats, spectators, and caravans. I hit all the key spots where spectators would typically gather in masses (bridges, parks, & waterfront restaurants) to get the scope of the crowds. After all the weekend events I found myself contemplating several questions...

  1. Are people burned out after 8 months of HISTORIC, full throttle, non-stop effort to rally for & reelect President Trump, all to have it stripped away and be betrayed by our Republican establishment?

  2. Are most people simply falling back into their business as usual lives of work, family, school, recreation... maybe had alternative activities to participate in?

  3. Are we just in the campaigning doldrums, saving it for the main event season in 2022?

  4. Were events under promoted or, was 2020 just so historic that comparing anything to those events would be "Apples to Oranges"?

  5. Or, is BIG-TECH CENSORSHIP and politically motivated hate truly having a profound impact on silencing and diminishing the Pro-America, Pro-Trump, movement... have WE become so dependent and manipulated by FB, Google, TW etc, that we are becoming obedient?

The answers lie in all of those questions. However, I belive this weekend was more of a "CALL TO ACTION", kind of a "Patriot Reset" for all of us. And no matter how it all unfolded, throughout the entire weekend the absolute #1 MESSAGE that was being evangelized was that "we must make our stand right now, make our voices heard, and make them SEE US gathering together en mass to stand for America"...

Just listen to this absolutely inspiring CALL TO ACTION from citizen journalist and all around freedom fighter BEN BERGQUAM who's been producing some of the most compelling content from our Southern Border for Real America's Voice News, Steve Bannon's Warroom Pandemic, and more.

(follow all of Ben's social media & help support his work... because this is where you'll get the truth)

Ben spoke at the "We The People Patriots Day Rally" produced by Women Fighting For America, an activism outfit founded by Christie Hutcherson. There were many great speakers who were delivering messages on the most critical battles we face in America right now:

  • The tyranny of Covid & the rise of Climate Politics!

  • Political totalitarianism & the infestation of a radicalized Big Gov't!

  • Big Tech & Big Corp Oligarchy's total control of our lives!

  • Faith & Freedom!

  • And of course some "candidate pitches", which were pretty good actually!

The event was very well put together, it was entertaining, plenty of unique vendors, and a very patriotic vibe... even though the location of the event had to be switched at the very last minute due to some political games being played by some Palm Beach County officials not granting necessary permits. It was impressive to see an event of this scope able to pivot so quickly and pull off a good show! The bottom line is that there is a lot of energy in the movement to save America right now and YOU are being called out to get involved! Groups like WFFA and Defend Florida are metastasizing across the country with powerful networking and grassroots impacts. This is how we are going to build momentum and demand new standards from our political leaders. Congratulations to all the individuals and groups who stepped up to put on this event!


So the story isn't about a seemingly dimished attendance at the events... absolutely not! It's about the fact that it's happening, that the largest and strongest movement of patriotic activism the USA has seen in generations is just about to relaunch and reignite. It's a clear message to the future Republican candidates and our political leaders that the movement that Trump built and delivered for them is the only hope the Republican party has to win in 2022, and that we aren't about to be hoodwinked by Fake Americans (formerly known as RINOS) ever again! And just like our key theme underwriting the entire Boaters For Trump "The Movement" project in 2020, the AMERICAN SPIRIT & AMERICAN INGENUITY can never be stopped!

Just check out some of the epic Joy, Enthusiasm, Love, & Inspiration:


(see link below to view & download ALL the photos we took)

Att: event attendees... CLICK FOR PHOTOS

The Meza Twins... who show up at many Trump events, more stoked than ever!

FACEBOOK Almost Killed This Boat Parade... or did they?

This Memorial Day Patriot Boat Parade was orginally organized by the great Carlos Gavidia, Trump's Boat Parade Ambassador who has been the target of the Big Tech Social Media Fascists & political haters. Gavidia has been the inspiration and motivation that helped turn the Trump Boat parades from organic, random events into a national movement that ignited ALL other patriotic movements in 2020! This event was launched by Carlos and promoted on his Facebook event page, without the word TRUMP even used. Within a few days we saw the largest registration, over 15,000, of any Trump Boat Parade event in history. The engagement on the event page was on fire, with hundreds of posts every day. Then, without any notice Facebook simply pulled the event page down and shut down Gavidia's personal FB account... they recognized the power and influence of our movement and just like that, shut it down. THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MOMENT! So, like we do as patriots, others picked up the mantle and helped pull off a fantastic boat parde... Thanks to Team Deplorable out of NY and all the hardcore Pro-America patriots from the FL West Coast! Visit TRUMPARILLA to see what's launching around the country!

We cannot let these tyrants succeed in deleting us from history, society, and the future of America!


It's not enough to simply fall back on the same old "business as usual" that delivered us the results we are experiencing right now. YES, we are responsible! As we move forward we MUST embrace a new mindset that will allow us to rebuild, reform, reengineer, re-staff, and RE-BRAND the Republican Party into a party that is "Fit To Fight" the war we find ourselves in... and at the top of the list is the CLUTURE WAR - a war the current GOP doesn't want to engage in because they are timid and impotent. We must embrace new strategies, systems, tactics, processes, and mindsets if we are to build a party that can defeat the anarchy and lawlessness the Democrats have unleashed on America! If we don't learn from the Democrat strategies and tactics, we are doomed to remain stuck in "REACTIONARY POLITICS" always steps behind - we simply don't have time! While the GOP has been hard at work on their lust for bipartisanship, satisfied in their 2nd Class Political Citizenship, the Democrats have built a Global War Machine dedicated to the complete remaking of America and Western Civilization!

The only way we'll do that is by starting with how we recruit, VET, hire, and support our elected leaders... if we don't demand something other than Campaign Slogans and Oathes of Office, then we will continue to be betrayed and abandoned by a leaderless, fragmented, impotent, incohesive, missionless, Republican Party!


That's why I've launched the new project called What's Your Plan

It's a project 100% dedicated to reforming the Republican Party into The American Party, by recruiting Patriotic Americans who will embrace Servant Leadership and Citizen First Representation... the plan is all laid out and now the fun begins. I'll be interviewing candidates and schooling the Republican Party on the America 1st MAGA movement in a new podcast show. So join me in this mission, check out the plan, get involved, and please embrace at the very least this one simply tactic... whenever you engage with a political leader, candidate, or even our Conservative media, ask them one question: "So, WHAT'S YOUR PLAN?"

Let's usher in a new era of American Politics:

  • Servant Leadership

  • Citizen First Representation

  • America 1st Agenda

  • MAGA Movement Activism

"If we continue to do what we've always done, we'll continue to get what we've always gotten"

"Don't look at what we think we know, just look at our results"

Cpt JP


Become A 2024 Boater For Trump MAGA Warrior

We Have Not Yet Begun To Fight


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Boaters For Trump "The Movement" & this website are not (yet) officially endorsed or associated with Trump Campaign

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